A-type personality, Steve Fabrikant has been delving into tech these days working on a top-secret Internet deal with a few of his young cronies. It’s whispered to be about politics, but he’s not telling, not yet anyway. Whatever it is, it keeps him connected to youthfulness, which gives him energy and great joy.

The launch of the new website for Steve Fabrikant and an e-brochure for his sales staff at Saks Fifth Avenue have kept the company busy. “It’s great to be so digital; I didn’t know how much simpler—and greener—life could be,” said company president and Steve’s wife, Nancy. “Actually, our daughter Paris won’t let us get stodgy,” quipped Steve, “having a teenager keeps you abreast of almost everything.”

Steve Fabrikant has launched the site so as to allow their international clientele access in a way the times demand. Clients will be able to order his renowned knitwear down to the sleeve length—a big boon to Fabrikant aficionados. The increased presence on the web will connect them to customers whose dedication to the brand have kept him in constant business since 1984.

Steve is one of a few designers who has stayed the challenge of changing demographics, changing retail personnel, and changing economies. Fabrikant’s foray into Japan with distributor and licensee Mitsubishi Japan resulted in the company’s first freestanding boutique (Tokyo), just as Japan’s economy experienced massive sea change. Today Steve Fabrikant is proudly manufactured exclusively in NYC.

“We learned a great lesson in diversification,” says Fabrikant from the 43rd floor of his Manhattan home office. “When Saks Fifth Avenue asked us to venture into women’s sizes, it made a lot of sense.” The new line called STEVEN by Steve Fabrikant dramatically increases the client base.

Steve dreams of a workshop/atelier where he can showcase his myriad talents of fashion, interior design, garden design and accessories. He is searching Manhattan scouting the right turf.

The product of a designer household, he has replicated the same for himself. “Nancy and Paris are very involved in the design and merchandising of each collection. Nancy has great retail instincts and Paris knows what will make it with the younger crowd.

You can catch Steve’s website at stevefabrikant.net